クエスト 白鷺杯に参加しよう
レア: 舞踊の技と美しさを競う“白鷺杯”……あなたの学級も挑戦してはいかがですか。
Rhea: The White Heron Cup is a competition of skill and grace in dance. Please encourage your house to participate.
That said, if you are serious about winning, be sure to choose your representative carefully.
レア: 白鷺杯は今年も盛り上がったようですね。後は舞踏会を待つだけです。
Rhea: The White Heron Cup sounds like it was a great success. Now we can all look forward to the ball.
Enjoy yourself.
黒鷲の学級 Black Eagles
エーデルガルト: ……そういえば、白鷺杯の代表は決まったのかしら。
By the way, have you chosen our house's representative for the White Heron Cup?
If nobody else comes to mind, I'm willing to take up the challenge, Professor.
エーデルガルト: わかったわ。優勝してみせるから、任せて。
Understood. Just leave this to me and victory is assured.
エーデルガルト: そう……他に適任者がいると言うのなら、仕方がないわ。
I see... If you believe there's someone more qualified, I certainly won't object.
エーデルガルト: あら、まだ何か用かしら、踊りを練習するの?
Well, I suppose we should practice, then. Shall we?
エーデルガルト: どう?少しはまともになってきたかしら。
How was that? I believe I've improved my technique.
エーデルガルト: まあいいわ。時間のある時に、お願いね。
Huh... Well, let's practice whenever you can spare the time. Agreed?
Well, a victory is a victory.
エーデルガルト: もちろん私が勝つと思っていたわ。貴方も信じていたわよね?
I know victory was inescapable. And...you believed in me too.
エーデルガルト: 踊りとはいえ、負けるのは悔しいわね。やはり鍛錬が足りなかったのかしら。
Losing is never easy, even at something as insignificant as dance. I suppose I should have trained harder...
ヒューベルト: ……と、話は変わりますが、まだ白鷺杯の代表を決めていないと聞きました。
Hubert: On a lighter note. I've heard you've yet to choose a class representative for the White Heron Cup.
It's not something I'm interested in, but if no one else wants to do it, then I will shoulder the burden.
ヒューベルト: 貴殿もとんだ酔狂をする。ま、いいでしょう。やれるだけやりますよ。
Yes: How very whimsical of you. I suppose I'll have to do what I can.
ヒューベルト: ま、そのほうが賢明でしょうな。魅力ある者を代表に選べば良いかと。
No: Wise. Better to choose someone with more charm.
ヒューベルト: くくく……まさか私が舞踊の練習ですかな。
To think I'd be rehearsing my dance moves, of all things. Give me some advice, Professor.
ヒューベルト: これで目を覆いたくならないものになれば良いのですがね。
Yes: A little less grotesque now? Maybe.
ヒューベルト: 惨事を引き起こさぬためにも、多少の練習はしておきたいものです。
No: All right. But if we want to avoid a tragic accident during the contest, I will need more practice.
I am not sure the judges are in their right minds...
Won: Unbelievable. I never imagined I'd actually win.
Lost: The obvious result, of course.
フェルディナント: もう何が言いたいかわかるね?
Ferdinand: Do you see what I am trying to say here? Do not make me beg you...
Please, choose me as our representative for the White Heron Cup!
フェルディナント: ふっ、エーギル家伝統の足運び、華麗に披露してみせよう!
Yes: Wonderful! You will have a chance to see the legendary footwork of House Aegir!
フェルディナント: 私以上の適任はいないと思うがな、まあ好きにしてくれたまえ。
No: Hmph. If you really think someone is better suited for it, I will not argue.
フェルディナント: 先生は、踊りの素養はどうなのだ?む……私を指導してくれると?
Professor, uh... Do you know how to dance? I could really use some guidance.
フェルディナント: 先生の万能さには、嫉妬を覚えるよ。正直に言えばね。
You really can do everything! I am envious of you, if you will pardon my frankness.
フェルディナント: 私に指導など不要ということか。まあ、そうであろうな。
Fair enough. You do not think I need guidance. You are probably right.
Ferdinand: Haha! As expected of someone as accomplished as myself.
Won: Ah! Did you see that? I have done my family proud!
Lost :I thought this might happen. I am sorry I volunteered in the first place. You should have chosen Edelgard.
リンハルト: 気分を変えて別の話をしましょう。そういえば、舞踊の対抗戦があるんですね。
Linhardt: Let us change the subject and settle my stomach. I assume you've heard about the dance competition? Have you chosen a representative yet? Or... Oh my. You haven't, have you? Have you come to tell me I'm to be it?
リンハルト: そうですか……僕、理論上は踊れますけど、実践は理論のようには行かないんですよ。
Linhardt: I see... I can dance, in theory, but I dare say in practice things may go very differently.
リンハルト: 賢明な判断だと思いますよ。僕は面倒……いや、自信がないので。
Linhardt: I think that's wise. I simply can't really be bothe― What I mean to say is I lack the confidence.
リンハルト: はあ……面倒だなあ。あ、先生、まさか踊りの練習ですか。
Linhardt: Professor? Are you here to practice with me for the dance contest?
I don't enjoy a bit of this, you know. Entirely too much standing up and moving around for my taste. But if I'm going to do it, I may as well be in it to win.
リンハルト: これだけ面倒な思いをするんなら、確実に優勝できるまでやりましょう。
リンハルト: そうですか。まあ僕はそれでもいいですけど。
Linhardt: I see... Well, that's just fine by me. There's a book on fishing that I'd like to finish.
Linhardt: Oh? Well, just so long as nothing else is expected from me.
リンハルト: 何事もやってみるもんですね。優勝は嬉しいですよ。でも次は断ります。
Linhardt: Although I was against the whole endeavor, I must be honest and say that I am quite pleased that I won. But I won't do anything like this again, thank you.
リンハルト: こんな結果だろうと思ってました。ああ……頑張りが無駄になっちゃった……。
Linhardt:I suspected this might be the end result. Uh... All of that time I could have been reading...or fishing...or napping...or...
カスパル: ……すまねえ、一人で熱くなっちまって。あ、もしかして白鷺杯のことか?
Caspar: Ugh. Sorry about that, Professor. I'm just so frustrated right now. I need something to take my mind off things.
That reminds me! If you're looking for a volunteer, I'd be happy to represent our class in the White Heron Cup. I'm an excellent Dancer.
カスパル: よっしゃー!大船に乗った気でいろよ、先生!
Caspar: Great! We both know I'm our class's best chance at winning this thing.
カスパル: ええー!?じゃあ代表は誰なんだ?
Caspar: You really think you can find a better dancer than me?
カスパル: よ、先生。また用事か?あっ、舞踊の訓練だな!
Caspar: Hey, Professor! Did you want to practice dancing with me?
カスパル: どうだ!バッチリ鍛えられてんだろ!
Caspar: What did you think? Pretty perfect, right?
カスパル: わかったよ、じゃあオレは一人で、やれるだけやっとくからな!
Caspar: You're probably right. I don't need any more practice. I'm a natural!
Caspar: I won? I won! How did I win?!
カスパル: 正義は、必ず、勝つ!いやあ、我ながら凄え踊りっぷりだったな。
Caspar: Aww yeah! I knew I could do it! Thanks for the distraction, Professor.
カスパル: くっそー!何が足りなかったっていうんだよ!
Caspar: I actually lost? I can't believe this. Now I feel even worse than I did before...
ベルナデッタ: それに何ですか、白鷺杯って!踊りを競うなんて恐ろしいにもほどが……
え? まさかベルに代表になれって言うんじゃないでしょうねえええ!?
Bernadetta: What is a White Heron Cup, anyway? Wh-what?! A dance competition?! That's terrifying! W-we need a representative for our class?! Please, anyone but Bernie!
ベルナデッタ: あ……これ、辱められるやつですね。もうダメです……。あたしが踊るなんて……
Bernadetta: You're just trying to humiliate me, aren't you?
ベルナデッタ: よ、良かったあああ!先生、ありがとうございます!
Bernadetta: Oh, what a relief! Thank you so much, Professor!
ベルナデッタ: あっ……あうあう……先生!せめて少しくらい踊りの練習を……!
Bernadetta: Professor! Will you give me some dancing lessons?
ベルナデッタ: どうでしょう。気休めになります?慰めがいる感じです? あ、見えませんね。
Bernadetta: Was that okay? A little reassuring at least? Maybe?
ベルナデッタ: これが先生流の教育ってやつですか!羽をむしってから谷に落とすんですね!
Bernadetta: Is this your idea of an education? Clip my wings and toss me off a cliff?!
Bernadetta: Bernie? Are you sure? Heh...heh...
ベルナデッタ: あたしにも踊りの才能、あったんですねえ。ふへへへ……いやー、嬉しいなあ……。
Bernadetta: Who would've thought I'd have a talent for dancing? Heh-heh... Aw, this actually feels nice.
ベルナデッタ: 初めから……わかってました!わかってましたとも! 勝てないって!
Bernadetta: Knew it from the start, Bernie! No chance. Hmph...
ドロテア: ……ごめんなさい、暗い話はやめましょう?それより、白鷺杯のことは聞きました?
Dorothea: I'm sorry, Professor. I'm talking about such grim and terrible things when we could be talking about the White Heron Cup.
It's a big dance contest between the classes, and I simply adore dancing. I'm quite good at it, since I was a diva in an opera company, you know.
ドロテア: うふふ、先生の期待に応えてみせるわ。出るからには、優勝を目指しましょ?
Dorothea: Yes: I think my heart just skipped a beat. You want me to represent the class? I'm not sure when I last experienced such flattery, Professor.
ドロテア: 残念ですねえ。ま、代表を選ぶのだけは忘れないでね?
Dorothea: No: What? Why not me? Oh, whatever. So long as you remember to chose someone, hm?
ドロテア: あら、踊りの訓練かしら?確かに、予行演習は大切ですもんね。
Dorothea: Hey, Professor. You're here to help me practice for the dance contest?
ドロテア: どうかしら?先生のお眼鏡に適う踊りでした?
Dorothea: How was that? Was my dancing everything you hoped for and more? I certainly enjoyed it. We simply must do it again. Soon.
ドロテア: このままで平気ってことです?嬉しいけど、過信は禁物ですよ。
Dorothea: Well, I am terribly talented, agreed. Still, I think I'll practice on my own if you're too busy.
ドロテア: 歌姫の面目躍如、といったところかしら。
Dorothea: I wonder if I can use this to bolster my singing career...
ドロテア: やりましたねえ。私の踊り、なかなかのものだったでしょ?
Dorothea: We did it! I couldn't be happier, Professor. I loved dancing in front of an audience again.
ドロテア: そんな……私が優勝できないなんて……。溶けて消えてしまいたいです。
Dorothea: Ugh. What a letdown... I'm gonna go find a hole to hide in and not come out for a few weeks.
ペトラ: しかし、わたし、フォドラの舞踊、興味、とても、ある、持っています。
Petra: Are you choosing me to represent at the White Heron Cup? Or are you not?
ペトラ: 学ぶ、すべて、出します。優勝、目指す、です。
Petra: Yes: I will display all that I have learned. I will grab the victory!
ペトラ: 承知、です。わたし、優勝、難しい、でしょうか?
Petra: No: I have understanding. You believe that I cannot grab the victory, I am guessing?" (No)
ペトラ: わたし、多く、学びます。踊り、練習、しますか?
Petra: I have much to be learned. We will not practice the dancing, OK?
ペトラ: フォドラの舞踊、修得、進みます。先生、いかが、見ますか?
Petra: I have much more knowledge of Fódlan lance. How is my dancing, Professor?
ペトラ: 残念です。またの機会、わたし、待つ、です、でした。
Petra: That is not fortunate. I will have patience.
ペトラ: 踊り、世界、共通……証明しました。
Petra: Everywhere, dancing is dancing. This is the proof.
ペトラ: 成し遂げました、優勝、最高、です。先生、指導、感謝します。
Petra: I have grabbed victory! I give gratitude for your great teachings, Professor!
ペトラ: 敗北、研鑽、足りません、でした。忸怩たる、思い、あります。
Petra: I have had failure. I did not work with enough hardness. I feel a large shame.
青獅子の学級 Blue Lions
ディミトリ: ああ……いや、すまない。それで……何だ? 白鷺杯?
Dimitri: I... I'm sorry. Please ignore my troubled ramblings. Was something the matter? Something to do with the White Heron Cup?
Professor, I beg of you. Please do not chose me as our house representative. I am utterly serious.
ディミトリ: くっ……恨むぞ、先生。善処はするが、期待するなよ……?
Dimitri: What?! Curse you, Professor. I will of course accept, but know that you have damned us all.
ディミトリ: よし、安心した。賢明な判断だな。他に自信のありそうな者を当たってくれ。
Dimitri: Oh, thank the goddess. Please be sure to select someone with the confidence to win for us.
ディミトリ: くっ……戦うからには、勝たねばな。練習を見てくれるか、先生。
Dimitri: I am in the thick of battle, so battle I must. Will you help me prepare, Professor?
ディミトリ: ……どうだろう。少しは見られるものになっただろうか。
Dimitri: How...was that? I perhaps did not offend as much as usual, but...I do not like our chances.
ディミトリ: ……ならばもう少し、一人で練習してみるか。
Dimitri: I suppose I must practice diligently while I can. On my own. Away from prying eyes.
ディミトリ: 俺が? ……信じられんな。
Dimitri: I won? There must be some mistake...
ディミトリ: 勝てたのは、先生の指導のおかげだな。正直、自分でも信じられないが……。
Dimitri: It was solely thanks to your patient instruction that we won, Professor. In all honesty, I'm still in a state of shock.
ディミトリ: ……やはり、力及ばなかったか。すまなかったな、先生。
Dimitri: I knew it was beyond my reach. I am so sorry that I let us down, Professor...
ドゥドゥー: そう言えば、舞踏会の前に対抗戦が行われるらしいが……
Dedue: Incidentally, I have heard there will be a dance competition prior to the ball. Have you chosen a representative yet?
ドゥドゥー: ………………。……そうか……おれか。
Dedue: I will take part, if you insist.
ドゥドゥー: ……代表になりたがっていた者もいた。そちらを当たると良いだろう。
Dedue: Someone must want to participate. You would do well to find that person.
ドゥドゥー: ……舞踊を、指導してくれるのか。
Dedue: Will you teach me to dance?
ドゥドゥー: ……どうだろうか。
Dedue: Was that satisfactory?
ドゥドゥー: ……そうか。それは、困るな……。
Dedue: That makes things difficult.
ドゥドゥー: 待て……冗談では、ないのだな……?
Dedue: Is this a joke?
ドゥドゥー: ……殿下にも先生にも、 恥をかかせずに済んで何よりだ。
Dedue: More than anything else, I am pleased to not bring dishonor to His Highness―or to you, Professor.
ドゥドゥー: ……当然の結果だったな。
Dedue: Inevitable.
フェリクス: ……まあいい。それで、何だ。何か言いたそうな顔をしているが。
Felix: Ah, whatever. You look like you're about to say something. Are you considering me as our representative for the White Heron Cup? Heh.
Felix: I was joking. You really couldn't find anyone else?
フェリクス: チッ……他にあてはなかったのか……?
Felix: I see. That's a relief.
フェリクス: そうか。ならいい。
フェリクス: ……踊りの稽古に付き合え。俺を選んだのはお前なのだからな。
Felix: Here, help me practice my dancing. You forced me into this, so you're going to help me.
フェリクス: クソッ……俺がこんなことをする羽目になるとはな……。
Felix: Yes: How did I get roped into this?
フェリクス: フン……無責任な奴だ。
Felix: Hmph! You irresponsible fiend.
フェリクス: フン、つまらん……。
Felix: Nonsense.
フェリクス: ……優勝したが、これで満足か?
Felix: We won. Are you happy now?
フェリクス: こんなものだろうよ。俺を代表に選んだことが間違いだったな。
Felix: You see? Now you know it was a mistake to choose me.
アッシュ: そう言えば、舞踏会の前には白鷺杯……? が、あるんですよね。
Ashe: But speaking of the ball, isn't there something happening just before it? The White...Heron...something? It sounds like every class needs a representative. Have you picked ours yet?
アッシュ: え、ぼ、僕ですか!?や……やれることはやってみますけど……。
Ashe: Yes: Are you sure you want m-me to do this? I guess I'll just have to do the best I can, then.
アッシュ: 貴族の方々を選べばいいと思いますよ。きっと踊りも上手なんじゃないでしょうか。
Ashe: No: You should pick one of the nobles. They all have experience with this sort of thing.
Ashe: I've been practicing as best as I can, Professor, but do you think you could give me a little help?
僕なりに、練習してみたんですけど…… 先生、ちょっと見てもらえませんか?
Ashe: Was that all right? I'm completely self-taught, so I really have no idea.
Ashe: You really want to leave this all up to me?
アッシュ: え? 僕が優勝でいいんですか……?
Ashe: Are you sure this is OK?
アッシュ: 僕が優勝だなんて、夢みたいです。……ロナート様にも見せてあげたかったな。
Ashe: I really won? I can't believe it! Oh, Lonato, I wish you could have seen me!
アッシュ: やっぱり僕には無理だったみたいです……!折角選んでくれたのに、すみません!
Ashe: I definitely wasn't cut out for this. I'm so sorry to let you down, Professor.
シルヴァン: それより今は舞踏会ですよ。対抗戦の白鷺杯もあるんですよね?
Sylvain: The ball is almost here...and the White Heron Cup dance contest.
So, Professor, who will be representing our class?
シルヴァン: え、俺? はあ、まあ、別にいいですけど。女の子にいいとこ見せるいい機会だしな。
Sylvain: Me? Uh, sure! Why not? I'll get out there, show off my moves, and drive the ladies wild.
シルヴァン: どうせなら俺は、野郎の踊ってるところより美人が踊ってるところが見たいですねえ。
Sylvain: I get it. No worries, really. I'd rather see a beautiful person dancing instead of some goof like me.
シルヴァン: おっと先生、良いところに来ましたね。舞踊の練習に付き合う気はありません?
Sylvain: Oh, Professor! I'm glad you're here. I need help figuring out this whole...dancing thing. Mind helping me?
シルヴァン: ……こんなんでどうでしょう。なかなかいい線行ってると思いません?
Sylvain: One and two and three and four... Got it! I'm pretty good at this.
シルヴァン: ええーっ、そりゃないですよ、先生。俺を選んだ責任、取ってくださいよお!
Sylvain: Aw, don't be like that, Professor. You chose me... You should help me win.
シルヴァン: はは、期待には応えねえとな!
Sylvain: Heh heh heh! I knew I had it in me!
シルヴァン: さっすが俺! 女の子の視線があるとわけもなく頑張れちゃうんですよねえ。
Sylvain: Check me out! All I needed was the attention of a few girls and boom! It's like I've been dancing my whole life!
シルヴァン: あー、行けると思ったんですけどね。ま、練習不足だったってことか。
Sylvain: Yeesh... I really thought I could pull it off. Maybe it was a lack of practice...
メルセデス: ……あっ、そう言えば、舞踊の対抗戦があるんですってね?
Mercedes: While we're on the subject of the ball, what's this I hear about a dance competition?
Physical activity isn't my forte, but dancing can be fun! If there's no one else you'd rather select, I'm happy to represent our class.
メルセデス: ふふ、選んでくれてありがとう、先生。頑張って、期待に応えなくっちゃね~。
Mercedes: Thanks for having faith in me, Professor! I'll try my best to win!
メルセデス: あら、そう~?もし気が変わったら、声をかけてね~。
Mercedes: No: Are you sure? Please let me know if you change your mind!
メルセデス: 先生、ちょっと私の踊りを見てくれる~?一人だと、練習がはかどらなくって~。
Mercedes: Oh, Professor? Do you mind watching my dance routine? I would appreciate your honest opinion.
メルセデス: どうかしら~?上手く踊れていればいいんだけど~。
Mercedes: How was that? I hope it's good enough to win...
メルセデス: あら、もしかして、今忙しかった~?邪魔をしちゃってごめんなさいね~。
Mercedes: I'm so sorry, I didn't realize you were busy. I didn't mean to distract you.
メルセデス: あらあら、私? 嬉しいわね~。
Mercedes: Oh, really? How lovely!
メルセデス: あらあら、本当に勝てちゃったわ~。先生の期待に応えられて、一安心ね~。
Mercedes: Oh! My goodness! I actually won! I'm so glad you had faith in me, Professor!
メルセデス: 負けちゃってごめんなさいね、先生。折角選んでくれたのに~……。
Mercedes: I'm sorry that I didn't win, Professor. You put your faith in me and I let you down...
アネット: 楽しみにしてた舞踏会もあるし、対抗戦の白鷺杯もあるんだもの!
Annette: After all, we have the ball to look forward to, and the White Heron Cup before that! Oh, speaking of have you chosen our house representative yet? If not, I'd like to volunteer!
アネット: 本当ですか? やったー!先生、あたし、精一杯頑張りますね!
Annette: Really? That's fantastic! I'll try as hard as anyone's ever tried, you can count on it!
アネット: そっか……残念です。もし気が変わったら、また声をかけてくださいね!
Annette: Aw, that's too bad. But if you reconsider, you know where to find me!
アネット: 先生! あたしの踊り、見てくれませんか?これでもたくさん練習したんですよ!
Annette: Professor! Would you watch me dance really quick? I've been practicing a ton!
アネット: えへへ、どうですか?結構、上手く踊れたとおもうんですけど!
Annette: Mwahaha! Well? What do you think? I'd say I'm pretty great. Wouldn't you?
アネット: あ、もしかして今、忙しいですか?じゃあまた、時間がある時にでも!
Annette: Oh, do you have really important professor things to do? Well, let me know when you have the time!
アネット: えへへ……あたし、やりましたよ!
Annette: I did it! Go me!
アネット: 先生、やりました! 勝てちゃいましたよ!えへへ、頑張って練習して良かったあ!
Annette: Professor, I did it! I won! Haha! All that practice paid off!
Annette: I'm so sorry, Professor. I feel like I've betrayed you...
イングリット: そう言えば、舞踏会に先立って、舞踊の学級対抗戦が催されると聞きました。
Ingrid: Speaking of, I heard that there's going to be a dance competition. Have you sorted out who will represent our class, Professor? It's not me, is it? Please don't say it's me...
イングリット: ……わかりました。心得はありませんが、私なりに最善を尽くしましょう……。
Ingrid: Oh dear... Well, I'll see what I can do, then. On my honor.
イングリット: ……安心しました。踊りの心得などありませんので……。
Ingrid: Thank goodness. I don't know the first thing about dancing.
イングリット: 先生……どうしても上手く踊れないのです。練習を見てもらえませんか。
Ingrid: Professor, I admit―I have two left feet when it comes to dancing. Do you have time to give me any pointers?
イングリット: ど、どうでしょう……やっぱり変でしょうか……?
Ingrid: How did I do? Was I awkward? I felt awkward.
イングリット: では、時間がある時にでも。選んだからには責任を取ってもらいますからね、先生。
Ingrid: Perhaps some other time, then. Since you chose me, I'll need your guidance in all this.
イングリット: ええと……いま一つ、実感が湧きませんね。
Ingrid: Oh. Um. Sorry. I really didn't see this coming.
イングリット: ……勝ってしまいましたね。もしかして、私、才能があるのでしょうか……?
Ingrid: Can you believe we won? Maybe I'm a natural, after all!
イングリット: すみません、先生……。やはり私には荷が重かったのです……!
Ingrid: I'm sorry, Professor. My two left feet were especially problematic, after all.
Golden Deer
クロード: こうも物騒な事件が続いてるってのに、舞踏会なんかで浮かれていいのかねえ?
Claude: Considering this recent rash of strange incidents, I wonder if having a ball is really the best idea...
And then there's the White Heron Cup. Sheesh. What poor sap are you enlisting to represent our house, Teach?
クロード: え、俺? 無茶なこと言うなあ、先生!ううん……まあ、何とかなるだろ……。
Claude: Me?! Don't be unreasonable, Teach! Ugh... I mean, if I have to make a miracle happen, I guess I'll figure it out...
クロード: まあ、ヒルダかローレンツあたりが無難なんじゃないのか?
Claude: No: You're a smart one, Teach. I think Hilda or Lorenz would be able to win it for us, no problem.
Claude: Teach, this is all your doing. Step up and take responsibility. You've got to help me practice my dance moves.
Claude: My legs aren't as unwieldy as before, I think... If I keep this up, I might do not terribly.
Claude: You're too busy? Too busy to take responsibility for your actions? Wow. Well, you'd better make time for me before it's too late.
クロード: 秘めたる才能が開花しちまったか。
Claude: Ah, what a burden to be great at everything!
Claude: Wow, I never thought I'd win a dance competition. I've clearly uncovered a hidden talent!
クロード: いや、勝っちまうとはなあ。意外な才能が開花しちまったようだ。
クロード: まあ、結果は予想どおりだったな……。そもそも先生の人選がまずかったんだよ。
Claude: Well, at least you can't say it's unexpected. You're a brilliant strategist, Teach, but you really have no eye for dancing talent.
ローレンツ: 聞くところによれば、舞踏会に先立って学級対抗戦“白鷺杯”が開かれるらしいね?
Lorenz: From what I hear, the White Heron Cup will be held just prior to the ball.
Say no more, Professor. I would consider it an honor to represent our class!
ローレンツ: 僕を選んだこと、後悔はさせないさ。はーはっはっは!
Lorenz: You will not regret this choice!
ローレンツ: まあ、ゆっくり考えたまえ。僕以外に適任がいるとは思えないがね。
Lorenz: By all means, take your time and think it over. But I do assure you, there is no candidate better suited to the task than yours truly.
Lorenz: Rehearsals will not be necessary. But, if you insist, I can give you a small taste of what is to come.
Lorenz: Well, Professor? Are those not the most exquisitely refined moved you have ever witnessed?
Lorenz: I assure you, dancing is fully ingrained in my being. Any further practice would be redundant.
ローレンツ: はーはっは! 流石は僕だな!
Lorenz: Haha! As expected!
ローレンツ: 当然の勝利さ! なんせ僕は、ローレンツ=ヘルマン=グロスタールだからね!
Lorenz: It was a foregone conclusion! Am I or am I not Lorenz Hellman Gloucester?
ローレンツ: この僕が……舞踊で敗北を喫するとは……。父に知られたら何を言われるか……。
Lorenz: To think I would suffer such a defeat at dancing. My father is liable to disinherit me.
ラファエル: あー、その前に白鷺杯ってのもあるって聞いたぞ。
Raphael: Apparently there's supposed to be a dance contest too. I think it's called the White Heron Cup. Who's gonna represent our class? I can do it if you haven't picked someone else!
ラファエル: おう、オデに任せとけ!ばっちり、ひと笑い取ってやるからよ!
Raphael: You made the right choice, Professor! Everyone's gonna think my moves are hilarious!
ラファエル: そうかあ?こう見えて踊りには自信あるんだけどなあ。
Raphael: No: Aww, really? I may not look it, but I'm actually a pretty good dancer.
Raphael: Hey, Professor! You want to teach me some winning dance moves?
Raphael: That looked pretty good, right? I think I can win this thing!
Raphael: If you think my moves are good enough, then I don't need dance lessons.
ラファエル: え、オデ? えーと……何でだ?
Raphael: Me? Uh, really?
ラファエル: なんか、簡単に勝てちまったなあ。いろんな奴から、すげえ褒められちまった。
Raphael: Winning was even easier than I expected! And did you hear the crowd? They loved me!
ラファエル: 踊りって、面白けりゃいいと思ってたけど、違ったみてえだなあ。
Raphael: I thought the point of dancing was to make everyone laugh! Oh well, maybe I'll win next time.
イグナーツ: 自分では踊れませんが、皆さんが踊るのを見られるのは、楽しみですよ。
イグナーツ: 白鷺杯っていうのもあるんですってね。金鹿の学級の代表はどなたなんですか?
Ignatz: Watching other people dance can be fun though.
I've heard people talking about the White Heron Cup. Do you know who will be representing us?
イグナーツ: へえ、そうなんですか。……え、ボク!?ええええ! ちょ、ちょっと、そんな……!
Ignatz: Yes: Me?! What? No, please! You can't!
イグナーツ: 代表は貴族の人がいいと思いますよ。舞踏会には慣れているでしょうし。
Ignatz: I think a noble would make for a better choice. Bound to know their way around a ballroom.
Ignatz: Professor, can you watch me practice?
Ignatz: Is this how you do it? I'm feeling a little unsteady...
Ignatz: Professor, don't abandon me in my time of need! Why'd you pick me in the first place?!
イグナーツ: 自信なかったんですけど……嬉しいです!
Ignatz: Can't say I had much confidence going in, but this is great!
イグナーツ: ……いやあ、勝っちゃいましたね、対抗戦。舞踊、本格的に練習してみようかな……。
Ignatz: Wow. We won? I guess I'm better at this than I thought.
イグナーツ: 負けるに決まってるじゃないですかああ。恥かいただけですよおお……。
Ignatz: I knew this would happen. I embarrassed myself in front of everyone.
リシテア: あ、今節は舞踏会ですよね……。心から楽しむ気にもなれませんけど。
Lysithea: Right... It's the dance this month, isn't it? I can't see how anyone would be much in the mood for dancing, considering...
Although I suppose the White Heron Cup does sound pretty fun.
リシテア: え、わたしを代表に?まあ、多少の心得はありますけど……
Lysithea: Uh, you want me to be our representative? I've certainly got a few moves...
リシテア: 踊るのが好きそうな人を選んであげればいいんじゃないですか?
Lysithea: It would probably be more logical to ask someone who likes dancing in the first place, so I certainly understand.
Lysithea: Professor, can you supervise my dance rehearsal? If I'm going to do this, I want to win it.
Lysithea: Well? How was I? I figure if I dance with passion and fervor, I'll appear even more mature.
Lysithea: You've chosen me, but you won't even bother to help me prepare? That's rather rude, Professor!
リシテア: 他の二人に比べれば、そうでしょうね。
Lysithea: Yes, it was the logical choice. My dancing was superior.
リシテア: ふふ、先生がわたしを選んでくれたので、ちょっと本気出しちゃいました。
Lysithea: You chose wisely! I gave it my all, and I'm glad it paid off.
リシテア: 先生が折角選んでくれたのに、負けちゃってごめんなさい……。
Lysithea: I'm so sorry I lost. You put faith in my abilities, and now I've let you down.
マリアンヌ: 舞踊の対抗戦もあるんですか……?そうですか……応援はしますので……。
Marianne: There's a dance contest as well? I see. I'll cheer for our class, of course.
So, um... Who will represent our house in the contest?
マリアンヌ: そうですか。……ん? ……え?先生、今……誰って言いました?
Marianne: I see, well... Um, I'm sorry. What did you say?
マリアンヌ: 誰が代表になっても、私よりはいいんじゃないでしょうか……。
Marianne: I'm sure whoever represents our class will do a fine job. Much better than I could do.
Marianne: Did you need something, Professor? I suppose I should p-practice, right?
Marianne: No, no. That's no good. I can't seem to get a feel for it...
Marianne: Oh. Very well.
マリアンヌ: え、あの……恥ずかしい……。
Marianne: Oh dear... This is a bit embarrassing.
マリアンヌ: ……まだ、信じられません。私なんかが、優勝するなんて……。
Marianne: I... I still can't believe it. How could someone like me have possibly won?
マリアンヌ: 期待に応えられなくてすみません……。あ、期待もしてませんでしたよね……。
Marianne: I'm sorry that I couldn't do better. I doubt you had high expectations anyway...
ヒルダ: あ、その前に白鷺杯もありますよねー。誰が出るのかなー、気になっちゃうー。
金鹿の学級の代表は先生が選ぶんですよね?あたしでもいいですよー? 得意なんで!
Hilda: Oh, but first, the White Heron Cup! Who will appear onstage, I wonder? You're choosing a representative for the dance contest, isn't that right? Choose me! I'm a pro!
ヒルダ: やったー! こうなったらあたし、優勝狙っちゃいますよー?
Hilda: Yes: Great! Now that I'm in the spotlight, I'll do anything to win!
ヒルダ: えー、やる気満々だったのにー!気が変わったら声かけてくださいねー?
Hilda: Aww, I was really getting excited for it. Let me know if you change your mind, huh?
Hilda: Hey, Professor! Care to join me for dance practice?
Hilda: Phew! I don't think we can possibly lose. Just you wait and see.
Hilda: What, you've got something better to do than watch me practice?
ヒルダ: やったー! 何が貰えるんでしたっけー。
Hilda: Perfect! Where's the prize? There is a prize, right?
ヒルダ: せーんせ! ヒルダちゃん、やりましたー!今のあたし、すっごく輝いてるかもー!
Hilda: Professor, I did it! I'm so happy I think I may literally start to glow!
ヒルダ: せんせ、ごめーん。勝てると思ったんだけどなー。
Hilda: I'm so sorry, Professor. I thought we really had it in the bag.
レオニー: 舞踏会? 踊れないから興味もないなあ。おとなしく飯だけ食っとくよ。
Leonie: The ball? Doesn't matter. I don't dance. I might show up for the food though.
Not that it's got anything to do with me, but have you picked someone to represent us for the White Heron Cup yet?
レオニー: はあ? 村人のわたしに踊れって言うの?無茶苦茶だなあ、あんた!
Leonie: What? You're asking a peasant to dance? You've got some pretty weird ideas!
レオニー: ま、やりたい人にやらせてあげたら?踊りが得意な奴もいるだろ、きっと。
Leonie: Well, someone's bound to want to do it. I'm sure we've got a few people with the talent to win too.
Leonie: Professor! Come join me for dance practice!
"I'm going to have to do this in front of a crowd? I can feel myself going pale already." (Yes, after practice)
"Hey, you're the one who put me up to this! The least you can do is give me a hand!" (No)
レオニー: 嘘だろ……わたし、才能があったのか。
Leonie: I can dance? Huh!
レオニー: 信じられないよ、優勝なんて。もう傭兵やめて踊り子目指そうかな……。
Leonie: Seriously? I won? Maybe I should drop the mercenary idea and take up a life of dancing!
レオニー: どうせなら勝ちたかったなあ。踊ってみたら、割と楽しかったからさあ。
Leonie: Aw, just when I started to think I had a chance. Dancing turned out to be pretty fun, once I tried it.
フレン: ……そうですわ、先生。白鷺杯のことは聞いてらして?
Have you heard yet about the White Heron Cup? If you have yet to choose a representative, do you mind terribly if I volunteer?
Yes: Ah, thank you, Professor! I am overcome with joy! Just you wait until my feet touch the ballroom floor!
フレン: 先生……! 感激ですわ!わたくし、立派に舞ってみせますわね。
No: "Understood. Ah, well. Either way, I am still so excited about the ball!
フレン: そうですか……残念ですわ。でも、舞踏会もありますものね。
Yes? Do you need me for anything, Professor? I would be happy for some dancing guidance, should you have any!
Yes: Thank you so much. I am eager to improve my dancing.
No: I see. Perhaps soon!
フレン: ま、わたくし!? お稽古の賜物ですわね!
Flayn: Have I prevailed? Oh, most glorious! My practice was not in vain!
フレン: やりましたわね、先生!わたくしの可憐な舞、いかがでした?
Flayn:Professor, we did it―together! Did you enjoy my dance moves?
フレン: 負けるなんて……悔しいですわ……。でも、舞踊は上手になりましたでしょ?
Ashen Wolves
ユーリス: ……で? 俺様に何か用だったか?
Yuri: So? Did you need something? Don't tell me you want me in on that whole ''cup'' business.
ユーリス: はあ……やっぱり、そういうことか。仕方ねえ、悪態をついた詫びに出てやるか。
Yuri: Ugh. I figured. All right, all right. I'll do it to make up for my negativity.
ユーリス: ああ、そうしてくれ。こう見えて、人前で歌ったり踊ったりするのは大ッ嫌いでね。
Yuri: Good. I can't stand being in the spotlight, even people seem to enjoy it when I am.
Yuri: The least you can do is practice some moves with me, since you insist on roping me into this, yeah?
"Well, guess I'm in for it..." (Yes, after practice)
"Wow, and you call yourself a professor? You'd better uphold that title and help me out later." (No)
ユーリス: まあ、当然の結果だよな。
Yuri: Heh, not surprised.
ユーリス: こうもあっさり勝てちまうとはな……。……とにかく、やっと人心地ついたよ。
Yuri: That was easier than anticipated. So glad that's all over and done with.
ユーリス: 相手の技量が見事だったな。俺のほうが手を抜いてたとか、そういうのじゃねえよ。
バルタザール: なに、白鷺杯だ? 昔はなかったな。おれが参加しても構わねえってのか?
Balthus: Huh? The White Heron Cup? That's...new. Guessing you're looking to sign me up, yeah? Thanks, but no thanks, pal. Gotta save myself for the battlefield and all. You know how it goes.
バルタザール: ……おれの話を聞いてなかったのか?ったく、何の罰だか知らねえが仕方ねえ。
Balthus: Yes: Did you just not hear me say no? Ugh, what did I do to deserve this? ...Oh, right. Lots of stuff. Well, fine. Have it your way.
バルタザール: そうそう。血迷うんじゃねえぞ。いいな?
Balthus: No: Don't forget that I am the one who turned you down. I mean, just so we're clear and all.
Balthus: Hey, pal. Let practice brawl... Er, ballroom dancing, yeah? It's been a while since the King hit the floor.
"Was that...good? Or too smooth? Should I flex more? Ya know, for extra points?" (Yes, after practice)
"Brutal... But I've survived worse. I'll just have to win this thing all on my lonesome!" (No)
バルタザール: だっはっは、勝っちまったか!
Balthus: Heh, another win for the Twinkle-Toed King of Grappling!
バルタザール: どうだ! 開き直りゃこんなもんだ!……踊りながら戦うと思うと泣けるがな。
Balthus: Ha! The king reigns supreme! I'd be thrilled if this weren't a prance-around-like-an-idiot contest. Ah well. A win's a win.
バルタザール: 一か八かの賭けに出たのがまずかったか。かーっ、つくづく残念だねえ。
Balthus: Well, there goes my chance at being crowned the king of prancing around like an idiot.
コンスタンツェ: そういえば、白鷺の名を冠する素晴らしい催しが開かれるとか……
Constance: I hear there is to be an elegant dance contest known as the White Heron Cup. Though I have no more familiarity with dance than any noblewoman would
コンスタンツェ: 私めを評価していただいて光栄ですが、優勝の目など露ほどもございませんので。
Yes: You flatter me, but you must know that my chances of winning are slim.
コンスタンツェ: 賢明なご判断に私、感謝しております。「私」は悲嘆にくれるでしょうけれど。
No: In other circumstances, I might have leapt at the opportunity. But your decision was a wise one.
Constance: They tell me that you can teach proper dancing form. Do you suppose I could learn?
"I am grateful that you would devote your time to mending my spotty reputation." (Yes, after practice)
"I thought not. There is nothing to be done but to summon what dancing skill I already possess." (No)
コンスタンツェ: おーっほっほっほっほっほ! 当然ですわ!
Constance: Ahaha! What other outcome could there have been?
コンスタンツェ: ああ……私が優勝してしまうとは、皆様が揃ってご調子を悪くされていたのでしょう。
Constance: Oh... How did I come to win? Did the others eat something that disagreed with them?
コンスタンツェ: 参加の栄誉を頂けただけでも分不相応でございます。優勝などもってのほかかと。
Constance: "The chance to participate was already more than I dreamed possible." (Lose)
ハピ: あ、もしかして白鷺杯の話?ハピ、それはちょっと……。
Hapi: Hm? You want me to join the White Heron Cup? Um... Dancing is not really my thing... Neither are competitions, for that matter. You can probably guess what happens when I lose.
Yes: Seriously? You can be so mean sometimes.
ハピ: そーいうことする?キミって実は意地悪なのかな。
No: "Good call. We don't wanna get the rumour mill churning.
ハピ: そーだね。ハピの噂が広まっても困るし。
Hapi: You'll at least teach me how to dance, right?
"I know I'm bad at this, but you're not allowed to get frustrated. Got it?" (Yes, after practice)
"Huh. I thought you'd agree to help, seeing as this was your idea. Well, whatever." (No)
ハピ: ホントに? うわー、びっくりじゃん。
Hapi: Whoa. Didn't see that one coming.
ハピ: まったく期待してなかったけど……その分、めっちゃ嬉しいし。
Hapi: Gotta say, I was not expecting to win this thing. Feels pretty good.
ハピ: ま、こーなると思ってたよ。ハピには荷が重かったし。
Hapi: Saw that coming. I told you I wasn't cut out for it.